eVB Function Reference

There are a variety of functions that are available when using the utility with eMbedded Visual Basic.

Function Reference

sFTPOpen Opens a connection to a remote FTP server
sFTPClose Closes a FTP connection
sFTPGet Download a remote file
sFTPPut Upload a local file
sFTPPull Download a remote file (PPC2002 compatible)
sFTPPullStart Starts a download stream
sFTPPullMore Reads the next chunk of the download
sFTPPullEnd Ends the download
sFTPPush Upload a local file (PPC2002 compatible)
sFTPPushStart Starts an upload stream
sFTPPushMore Sends the next chunck for the upload
sFTPPushEnd Ends the upload
sFTPDownloadDirectory Downloads a directory with contents
sFTPUploadDirectory Uploads a directory with contents
sFTPFindFirstFile Find the first file in the current FTP directory
sFTPFindNextFile Find the next file
sFTPCurrentDirectory Retrieve the current FTP directory
sFTPChangeDirectory Change the FTP directory
sFTPRemoveFile Remote a remote file
sFTPRemoveDirectory Remote a remote directory including contents
sFTPRenameFile Rename a remote file or directory
sFTPMakeDirectory Make a remote directory
sFTPFileExists Checks if a remote file exists
sFTPErrorText Returns a text version of the FTP error
sFTPReconnect Performs a reconnect to the remote FTP server


Error Codes List of FTP error codes
Parameter Codes List of parameter options